Sunday, May 9, 2010

My best solo trip ever

Some of the awesome scenery

A nice year old 6 point, however, the rodents had their share first.

A better shot of the same antler and the surrounding scenery.

Can you see the antler?

A little closer

This gives a better perspective of the size of this awesome fresh 6-point

The match was nearby in the trees.

The set together.

A year old 6 point

The match in the trees, however, the rodents found it too.

An older deer antler

Another fresh 6 point

A little closer

One for the mountain to keep

A fresh 5 point

A fresh 7-point

The match nearby

A couple of pictures of the set together

By now, this is what my pile of antlers looked like. It's always a good problem to have when you're not sure how you're going to carry them all out.

On my way out I found another fresh 5 point.

A closer shot

And an older 6 point with a broken brow tine.

An elk up on the mountain

I now knew I could not carry my antlers all the way back so I built a make-shift travois.

A long walk out

Finally, five hours later, I made it back to the Jeep.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You had a good day. I found the antler. They are hard to see in the weeds and trees.
