Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Antler fever sets in

I couldn't wait to get out again, and the only time I have to hike is after work, leaving me with only one hour of daylight to actually look for antlers. So, after work I went hiking, but this time I brought snow shoes and ski poles which made the going a little easier. I still had to hurry and pretty much ran through the sage brush looking for antlers but managed to find two 2-points and a 5-point.

A 2-point I missed last year

A fresh-brown 2-point

A nice fresh-brown 5-point (I also found the set of this buck last year)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sitting here at work in Rex it's 8:37 these are some of the most beautiful pictures! No they look good brother keep it up so I can live it through your pictures.
