Well, this year's antler hunting is over, and I didn't get time to share my experiences. So here's the stories and pictures:
This was an old big muley shed I picked up on Easter weekend.
The Utah Opener with a few friends. We only found deer sheds this year.
I went back to where I found the big elk shed a few weeks before and was lucky enough to find the match! Besides finding the first side, this was definately a highlight of the year!
Then a few minutes later I finally found my first fresh elk antler for the year.
Not a bad haul for three guys, but only 2 were fresh.
Another fresh elk shed.
This was the load of antlers me and a couple other friends picked up near the elk refuge in Jackson.
We found 20 antlers total. We started looking for them at midnight while riding horses and found 5 in the dark. We also had to cross a river in the dark which was scary. But the way back was especially difficult because the horses were tired and the pack horse was very full and kept getting stuck in the timber. Once we finally re-crossed the river and got back to the horse trailer we were relieved and very happy that we all found antlers and were all safe. I can't wait to do it again next year.
A view of the Tetons. Unfortunately, I was so consumed finding antlers and riding the horse I didn't stop to take any pictures while finding the antlers. I will have to try better next year.
I got to take Kerrilyn hiking one day and all we found was just this old chewed up elk antler.
So here's my final antler collection for this year. Not bad, but not many were fresh. We didn't have the usual snow pack, so the wildlife was scattered more and didn't winter in their normal wintering areas as much. But I did find my biggest elk set yet (it scores right at 360") and the muley set Kerrilyn and Alma found is also the biggest deer set we found (is scores right at 180").